Sunday Girl Tea Party
22 Feb
22 Feb
29 Jan
Banksy has opened a pet shop, see i said this was a good idea!! ok his is not so cute and fluffy as i had in mind. Banksy’s pet shop has McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets sipping barbecue sauce, a rabbit putting on her makeup and a CCTV camera nurturing its young?? Amazing!!
Yes these are fish fingers……..
Hot Dogs need homes too…
27 Jan
I dont really know what to say other than the day i get fed these i can die happy
27 Jan
I spotted a nice chap wearing this at a party the other night and had to find out where he got them from. They are made by Bex Rox cast from real sea horses. So special. hmmmmm may have just brought it
27 Jan
A few nights ago (iv completely lost track of days of the week! where am i??) i went to the launch of the Tory Burch store. I am a lover of good interiors so i was in my element in this shop. Its an explosion of colour and patterns just like her collections. I am very fussy with wearing colour so had a bit of trouble finding an outfit but was very happy with this Chanel Esc dress and amazing boots. Thank you Tory!!! I got papped which was scary haha
Here is the link to to read more about the party oh la la
18 Jan
Today i sang backing vocals with the amazing Everything Everything. First time ever doing backing vocals and i end up in Radio 1!!! jumping it the deep end just a tad, but so much fun. Its harder than it looks, honest
Listen here
Below is my own version of Photoshop Handsome
14 Jan
Buy from here
I wanna make one
14 Jan
Things you can do with a toilette roll ey? she must have been bored
Made by anastassia elias
i really like shadows